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The Notorious New Whirlpool 5 Pin Connector

Modular Ice Maker & Installation

How do I identify a Modular Ice Maker?

The Modular ice maker has been around for many years, and replaced the burdensome ice maker
that was full of wiring and micro switches, inside the ice maker head, that very much resembles the so-called
New Whirlpool Ice Maker Part# W11517113, with the New 5 Pin hardwired Pigtail,
that is too short(about 3" long) to plug into the freezer connector, Requiring an additional "Jumper Harness"
to extend the wiring harness back to the freezer connector so it can be plugged in and operate.
A monumental screw-up, in my opinion, by the engineers at Whirlpool!
Going backwards, to old brudensome designs is not Progress, Whirlpool!

The Modular Ice Maker has been a very proven and good ice maker since it has been around,
being used by many different brands, for that very reason, and now Whirlpool no longer is using it
on the new refrigerators with the 5 pin ice maker connector!

This is why you are better off not buying the New Whirlpool Ice Maker for your New Refrigerator/freezer,
that has a New 5 Pin Connector in the freezer, to plug the ice maker into!

The modular ice maker is easy to identify, because it has the ice maker head module that is held into place
by only 3 brass colored screws, not 4. It has copper traces inside the head of the ice maker, and no longer
has any wiring or micro switches inside the head of the ice maker, making it much easier to diagnose, as well
as much more reliable in operation.

It also does not have a hardwired pigtail harness coming out of the head of the ice maker,
but has a flat pin socket to plug the wiring harness plug into.

Below are pics that show what a Modular Ice Maker looks like and the important factors are only 2.

1) It has the module on the front of the head of the ice maker, as shown.
2) It has the flat pin plug in socket at the back of the head of the ice maker, for the harness to plug into!

If the ice maker has these, it is a Modular Ice Maker and will work with the 5 Pin Harness,
as long as the freezer ice maker connector is also a 5 Pin connector!

5 Pin Connector in the freezer:

Modular Ice Maker:

Option 1:

The New "5 Pin Harness" for Modular Ice Maker substitution
ONLY for use with the Modular Ice Maker
-->NOT for use with the New Whirlpool Ice Maker Part# W11517113<--
Best Option, the Modular Ice Maker is a Proven, much better superior design!

Use your existing Modular Ice Maker from your old Whirlpool refrigerator,
or one you bought, and buy our newly manufactured 5 Pin Harness here to make it work!
-->Excellent option to save money for a new ice maker, and only the cost of the 5 Pin Harness!

We are manufacturing the harnesses to keep up with tremendous order volume worldwide,
so PLEASE BE PATIENT, it takes 4-7 days to get your order made and shipped Priority Mail.
You will receive an email from Paypal after it ships, so do not email and ask
"when will my order ship/when will it arrive/can I pay for expedited shipping, etc!

These are NOT in stock, they are being made as fast as we can, to fill orders coming in!

Order "5 Pin Harness Only" below


Option 2) You Don't Have any Ice Maker Yet to install
-->Best Option if you don't have an ice maker yet!<--
The Proven Modular Ice Maker substitute for the New Whirlpool Ice Maker!

Don't buy the New Whirlpool Ice Maker W11517113,
that is on Factory Back order for many months,

we have a Proven, Superior & Reliable Modular Ice Maker with the
New 5 Pin Harness Kit, available NOW, so you can finally have ice again!

-->Best option if you do not have an ice maker yet!

Does NOT come with Ice Bin, but they are cheap on ebay!

We are manufacturing the harnesses to keep up with tremendous order volume worldwide,
so PLEASE BE PATIENT, it takes 4-7 days to get your order made and shipped Priority Mail.
You will receive an email from Paypal after it ships, so do not email and ask
"when will my order ship/when will it arrive/can I pay for expedited shipping, etc!

These are NOT in stock, they are being made as fast as we can, to fill orders coming in!

Order "Modular Ice Maker & 5 Pin Harness Kit" below


More about the Whirlpool 5 Pin Ice Maker/Jumper Harness
Part# W11517113


The Factory Back Order Problem Child:
Whirlpool's New 5 Pin Ice Maker/Jumper Harness Kit



It appears Whirlpool has gone back to the old style motor driven ice maker
previous to the Modular Ice Maker, as seen by the pics of the New 5 Pin Ice Maker below.
Not a good thing as far as most experienced service technicians are concerned!



Contact Us if you have any questions: Rtnoww@aol.com


5PinIceMaker.com © 2022-2023 All Rights Reserved
Brought to you by manufacturer of the 5 Pin Harness: aba appliance